
  man Herb G.
you have made me able to participate and I love it.
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  lady2 Billy J.
I have got a new handle on things.  This it truly the way to keep a body working.
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Muscle burns calories while you are sleeping.


Strength training has proven physical and emotional therapeutic benefits


Building too much muscle is impossible, especially for women


About Us

As a teenager in the 1960’s, Vince was inspired by a local Strong Man and State level competitive Body Builder who lived a few blocks away.  Under the influence of veteran iron-men from the “pre-drug” era, Vince learned early how to do things right.  Understanding strength training to be the heart and soul of fitness, he took this knowledge and began training clients in the early 1970’s.

Seeing a lack of legitimate usablevincevaught equipment in the retail market, he used his skills in metal craft to make his own equipment and soon was building equipment for others as well.  By the early 1980’s with the evolving fitness culture, he had started proto-typing multi-functional home gyms.

Having competed in his first Body Building show in 1979, Vince would continue entering “drug-free” sanctioned events for the next 30 years.  Body Building served as a useful hobby to keep in shape while representing VAUGHT FITNESS EQUIPMENT and himself in fitness.  Winning some physique shows was fun, however, training for and competing to win “high-rep” squatting contests was better.

Vince’s career spanning 40 years, which includes manufacturing, product development, personal training and consulting, as well as competing and winning in physique and strength events has provided him a working experience in nearly all aspects of fitness and certainly a lot to share in helping others to succeed.

Start your career as an independent Fitness Pro
and enjoy making money the easy way

Contact Me :
Phone : 812-305-7071 or 800-886-8284

You may call or email me any time to get affordable help with personalized consulting in fitness and nutrition. We also offer the best pricing on the same equipment recommended to our fitness pros.