
  Fitness clients are nice people and they're easy to deal with  
  Building the client base of your choice is no problem  
  There's great gratification in helping others & getting paid for it  
  You're going to feel loved & appreciated by the people you help and their family members  

Two 30-minute sessions per week is enough


You will feel better within the first 3 to 5 sessions


Good workouts inspire proper eating discipline


Over training is the most common mistake


Muscle burns calories while you are sleeping


Resistance workouts are the HEART and SOUL of real fitness


Proper workouts and nutrition are key to adjusting the metabolism


Building too much muscle is impossible, especially in women


Strength training has proven physical and emotional therapeutic benefits




Mike Gugino
Elite Level Drug Free Power Lifter and Strength Coach

I have been personal training for 16 years. I started out in a small basement which under Vince's expertise helped me furnish. As I grew, I bought more equipment from Vince. At this point, I am in an 1800 square foot building that I own. Vince helped guide me in those early years to buy the right equipment to suit my personal needs. I am convinced, that if I did not have Vince's help, I would have spent more money and not have received the personal attention that I needed when starting up. In short, Vince is one of those rare individuals that giving his best is the standard, not the exception.


Dick Conner : Writer & Lecturer
The Pit Barbell Club, National Champion head strength coach

I have known Vince Vaught for many years, at least 30. Few men bring to the table his back ground,
know how, and toughness in proper strength training.
Plus he has overcome one of the most unbelievable injuries I have ever known. On top of this he has
designed and made strength training equipment almost all of his life.
You will find very few with the fitness working knowledge of Vince Vaught.


Ken Bachelder

I have had the great privilege of knowing and doing business with Vince Vaught for the past 15 years. When I was the strength coach at the University of Evansville, all my business, whether big or small, went through him.  I continued working with him when I owned Club Fitness Zone in Evansville. Recently he has helped me equip my private home training facility, The Sanctum Gym. His professionalism has always been top notch as well as the equipment he recommends. Vince can and will do everything he can to make your business experience with him the best. I will always use Vince and Vaught Fitness Equipment for all my gym needs.


Jan Samples-Schenk

A successful weight loss client introduced me to Vince Vaught.  I noticed the change in her physique as she lost weight.  Even though I have maintained a significant weight loss for over 20 years, I was not in the tip top shape I wanted to be.  I loved the idea that I could achieve a fit body with only 2 workouts per week.  Vince tailored my workout to suit my needs.   I felt better and had more energy immediately.  After working out with Vince for over a year, I consider myself to be in the greatest shape of my life. 

Thanks Vince, you made it happen.


Billy J

I have always been physically active and enjoy doing my own yard work and other stuff as well.  Slowing down after 55 never occurred to me.  Then came diagnosis of fibromyalgia.  Between that and my genetic link to inherited arthritis characteristics, life was becoming a day by day challenge.

A friend recommended a complimentary session with her fitness pro.  After realizing the benefits of full body strength training, I have got a new handle on things.  This is truly the way to keep a body working.

Thanks Vince.  Connecting with you has been wonderful.


Herb G.   64

As a kid I can remember my grandparents always sitting and watching us do things.  They were old too soon.  Vince, you have made me able to participate and I love it.  Fitness is a blessing.  Let’s stay with it.  

Teresa B

Going to a gym and messing around never got me any where.  With a structured routine and proper mentoring, I have gotten in great shape.  It is amazing what two appointments per week does when you are doing it right.  

Deb W.

Eight months ago, I never would have tried this.  But because of all those intense workouts and leg days especially, I went for it.

Knowing my flight was about to leave and realizing at the last minute I was on the opposite end of a huge airport, I took off running with a medium size bag in my arms.  Even running the stairs because I knew the escalator would be too slow.  It was an all out effort and I made it.  Thinking back, it was only because most of the past year I had spent on a regular workout schedule doing strength.  My increased endurance and cardio kept me from spending the night in the airport.